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My instrument
Filiz Kaya

Who is Filiz Kaya?

She was born on May 12, 1980 in Canakkale/Turkey. She started her music education at ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory, Department of Instrument, and then continued her master's education at the same university. She received her classical kemenche training from the great master Cüneyd Orhon. She successfully completed  PHD in Art at Afyon Kocatepe University on 03.12.2012.

    She took part in many important concerts as a soloist in Turkey and abroad with her classical kemenche (South Korea (Seoul), Erbil, Germany, Netherlands, Nigeria, Greece, Italy, Malta etc., Ankara Festival Closing Concert with the Presidential Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Conductor Rengim Gökmen' at the Istanbul Festival A Tale of Three Violins Concert-with Cihat Askin, Sholomo Mintz, Yair Dallal and Erkan Oğur…). In May 2015, Sırnağme released her first album "Meyler Süzülsün". In 2021, she took part in the album "Women Play/Sing the World". Also in 2021, a single called "Bitliste Beş Minare" with Guitar Artist Serkan Yılmaz,  She released her solo album "KEMENÇEVİ" and her single "Cinema Paradiso - Love Theme".

    She worked as an Instructor at Canakkale 18 Mart University between 2006-2016 and as a Doctor Lecturer at Düzce University between 2016-2018. Between 2018-2020, she worked as a manager and trainer at Linos Music Academy, which she founded. As of September 2021, she continues to work as a Visiting Lecturer at Anadolu University State Conservatory. 

She received the title of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR in October 2022. She worked at Rhythmitica Online Music Academy between September 2022 and 2023.

 She continues her work as an artist and educator.

Philosophy of life

A person who can do whatever he wants in life and enjoy every moment is happy, apologetic and peaceful...

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